Top 15 Best Uses For The Sonic Screwdriver

All Doctor Who fans are aware of the Sonic Screwdriver’s ability to open locks, except deadlock seals, but what else has it been used for? Below are my top 15 best uses for the Sonic Screwdriver.

Key To The Universe - Sonic Screwdriver Painting by Nicole Cleary

Key To The Universe – Sonic Screwdriver Painting by Nicole Cleary

1. Bypassing and turning off security systems

2. Analyzing both life forms and mechanical objects

3. Disarming fusion bombs by reversing the polarity of the neutron-flow

4. Disabling a weakened Cyberman at a distance

5. Remote detonating mines
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10 Steps To Avoid Getting Killed On Doctor Who

Residing in the “Doctor Who” universe is dangerous. Here are ten steps to help you avoid your untimely death.

“Death – The Doctor’s Truest Companion” – Tardis concept painting by Nicole Barker

“Death – The Doctor’s Truest Companion” – Tardis concept painting by Nicole Barker

1. When you see The Doctor, run the opposite direction (this will ultimately keep you as safe as possible).

2. Don’t get lost in an alternate universe.

3. Don’t blink around angel statues.
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